Reflect To Refresh Your Brain & Life
aily, multiple times per day we need to take a mental break. It doesn't matter if you are twelve or ninety-two, we all need this. It is a simple process. I know you are busy and have a lot on your mind. There are many important personal and professional things to attend to. Yet you need a moment to relax, refresh and feel the good that surrounds you. It's good for your mind and body to reflect. Take a few seconds to reflect on each of these thoughts. It will add some lift to your day. --What is something near you that you appreciate having? --Who is someone who loves you and is there for you? --What about your health is good? --What is something you recently did that you enjoyed? --What is something you find humor in? --What can you do to help someone, and how would you feel when you do it? --Relax your mind and body and notice how peaceful that is? --What do you have coming up that you are looking forward to? --Who do you get to see today at home or work that you really like? ...