
Showing posts from September, 2021

Reflect To Refresh Your Brain & Life

aily, multiple times per day we need to take a mental break. It doesn't matter if you are twelve or ninety-two, we all need this. It is a simple process. I know you are busy and have a lot on your mind. There are many important personal and professional things to attend to. Yet you need a moment to relax, refresh and feel the good that surrounds you. It's good for your mind and body to reflect. Take a few seconds to reflect on each of these thoughts. It will add some lift to your day. --What is something near you that you appreciate having? --Who is someone who loves you and is there for you? --What about your health is good? --What is something you recently did that you enjoyed? --What is something you find humor in? --What can you do to help someone, and how would you feel when you do it? --Relax your mind and body and notice how peaceful that is? --What do you have coming up that you are looking forward to? --Who do you get to see today at home or work that you really like? ...

Ways to Stay Healthy During Ramadan

During Ramadan month, it is essential that you should maintain your health while having fast. For this, the very first thing you have to do is to have a healthy eating routine. Healthy eating means eating diversity of foods which provides nutrients (incorporates protein, fat, vitamins, carbohydrates and minerals) that you need to maintain your health, good and full of energy. Following are some ways or suggestions which may help you to stay healthy during Ramadan holy month. • Similarly to breakfast, sahri is the beginning meal of the day in Ramadan month. Sehri will support you to keep your body hydrated till Iftar time. Keep in mind that meal of sehri should contains carbs, fiber and protein. • To keep yourself away from the processed foods (such as sugar and white flour) is a good option because these type of foods may be higher in calories because of the high amount of added sugar and fat. Also, comparatively it contains a little amount of nutrients. • A diet of fresh fruits and ve...

4 Amazing Health Benefits of Aloe Vera

The Aloe Vera plant has been used for its medicinal value over thousands of years. It has useful compounds such as amino acids, minerals and vitamins. These compounds are crucial in sustaining good health. The Aloe Vera plant is widely available as it readily grows in different parts of the world. Therefore, people use it widely in the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries. The best part about using the plant is that you do not have to be an expert neither do you need to have complicated instruments. You can easily extract the potent parts of the plant from its leaves. This makes it easy for anyone to use it. The aloe plant boosts your overall health since it benefits different parts of your body such as the skin, digestive system, scalp, and hair. 1. Skin Care The plant heals many skin ailments and refines its outlook. It contains collagen which helps in delaying the aging process by improving your skin's elasticity. You can use the plant to make your sunscreen as it restores ba...

5 Areas Where Moderation Improves Health!

When, it comes to, our health, and well - being, it often takes, a considerable amount of discipline and commitment, to maximize our possibilities! One of the essential lessons, to learn, and heed, is, using moderation, in a variety of areas, where doing so, is possible, and may, make sense! Doesn't it, make sense, it may be easier, to pursue, our personal best - interests, if, instead of trying, to, over - do things/ actions/ behaviors, we proceeded, with ways, which seemed, more plausible, and made the transitions/ changes, appear, more reasonable, etc? With, that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, 5 areas, where this, will often, improve our overall health, and well - being. 1. Eating habits: If, you have eaten, a certain way/ diet, etc, for many years, changing, dramatically, overnight, may seem, overwhelming, and, thus, this becomes, one of the key reasons, so many diets, and weight - loss plans, fail! A more - moderate, sen...

How to Reverse Hair Loss And Get Back Your Head Full Of Hair Naturally

l love to admire girls and ladies with long, smooth, shining and flowing hair. They are so attractive, demure and sexy. But males with long, unkempt hair give me the creeps. l don't want to imagine what is hidden in that dirty unwashed hair. One of the functions of hair is to regulate the body temperature. Hair serves as a physical barrier between external cold air and the skin and it also traps warm air in between the skin and the hair. In that way, a person will not suffer from severe cold. If men keep long hair for that function, l think it's fine to do so, but the hair has to be well maintained. As we age, our physical appearance gradually changes. The overall hair density changes and the strands of hair become finer. Soon thinning occurs which will eventually lead to Hair Loss. We all shed about 100 hairs each day, but if you are losing more than that, then you may have some other problems. Some may be experiencing female-pattern Hair Loss also known as androgenetic alopec...

Seniors Fitness - Dial In Your Fitness Starting Point

Fitness for seniors is an essential part of healthy living for seniors and can make a major difference in the quality of life as you experience your golden years. Getting in shape, and/or staying in shape through your senior years helps you to stay healthy, stronger and less like to sustain major injury from falls, etc. But to get started, you need to dial in your starting point so you can map out your fitness path going forward. The first step for any prudent senior is a complete physical by your family doctor or other licensed professional healthcare expert. This step is necessary to make you aware of any pre-existing conditions that may affect your exercise regime or nutrition plan. The second step in getting ready to start is to decide what you're looking to achieve in the short, medium and long-term future. Are there areas of your health, current ability or physical imbalances that need to be addressed first? Is it necessary to bring your cardiovascular system up before you st...

Best Spore Oil Soft Gel for a Healthy Body

The best remedy for all your health problem is spore oil soft gel. A Chinese company undertakes it. Ganoderma lucidum spore oil soft gel helps you to build your immunity throughout life. These soft gel comes in a yellow capsule. It will give you relief from many internal body problems. It is also known as Reshi spore oil soft gel. The Uniqueness about this Spore Gel This Ganoderma gel is used for many purposes like respiratory problems, heart diseases, tumors, cancers, lung problems, etc. It will give relief from diseases and infections that occur in your body. They have proven that this reshi gel is effective. It is made from Ganoderma powder, but oil is more effective than powder. Ganoderma lucidum soft gel increases the body's energy to fight against viruses. It helps to replenish the body cells and make the person more active. Daily injection of this spore oil gel will improve the body's system. It has also been found to be fruitful for pains. You can use it for headaches o...

Self Esteem and Weight Loss

Did you know your own self-esteem may be a contributing factor to some of your problems? Let's look at weight loss for example. We all know that the weight loss industry is a multi billion dollar per annum business and who do the advertisers target? Women! In order to encourage women to join their weight loss plan they highlight their insecurities in their advertising copy. • "What insecurities are these," you may be asking. • You may have heard of the term "fat shaming." • Women are shamed into feeling guilty even if they are just a few kilos heavier than last year. • Is it any wonder that so many of them suffer from insecurities. My advice to women is this: 1 Stop comparing yourself with others It is silly to try to be somebody you are not. Instead of trying to be someone other than yourself you must ask the question, "What makes me tick,?" and set your goals accordingly. 2 Do it for you and not for others. If you are taking on a new diet do it for y...